
December 7, 2021
As you get ready to build out your Canvas course for winter quarter, you may have content from a previous course that you’d like to import to your new course. Canvas makes this process easy.

December 1, 2021
Contact Northwestern IT's Media and Technology Innovation group to schedule the Panopto lecture capture system in your assigned room to make a recording and place it into the Panopto folder of your choice.

November 12, 2021
Information about when you might wish to adjust your course access settings at the end of the quarter.

November 10, 2021
Many faculty use team projects but are often frustrated by uneven student performance. Northwestern now offers a Teamwork Assessment app (TwA) through Canvas that can help students identify and solve common teamwork problems while allowing you to monitor their progress and spend more time on course content.

October 12, 2021
Creating just-in-time videos can be a great way to do a deep dive on a topic that needs further exploration but may not have the class time to otherwise accommodate.

October 11, 2021
Are you spending more hours managing student requests for office-hour meetings than having actual office hours? Are your students looking to have scheduled time with you rather than playing the “show up and wait” roulette? Canvas can help!

September 7, 2021
Flexible course policies allow both the students and instructor(s) to have a positive course experience during uncertain times.

August 31, 2021
Questions outside of class are no longer confined to set times in a specific location.

June 2, 2021
Panopto, Northwestern’s lecture capture and management tool, has two new features which are available to you now: default captioning and a browser-based capture option.

May 28, 2021
With final exams just around the corner and many faculty administering assessments in Canvas, we want to make sure your exam administration is secure and successful. The following tips will help you and your students have an organized and productive exam experience.

February 27, 2021
Approach to broadening the final assignment to consider other formats, such as blog posts, websites, videos, podcasts, and presentations.

February 24, 2021
On Wednesday, February 3rd, eight experienced instructors gathered to share their instructional insights with fellow Northwestern faculty at Northwestern IT Teaching & Learning Technologies’ first TEACHxperts event of 2021.

January 26, 2021
The Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor tools can help create a secure testing environment for quizzes and exams given in Canvas. Available to all instructors, these tools have been used in a number of Northwestern courses during remote learning.

January 13, 2021
Discussion can be a powerful learning activity that helps students synthesize thoughts and make high-level connections. During remote and online classes, discussion boards have become a valuable part of student engagement

January 6, 2021
I’ve imported content into a new course site. How do I get rid of old Zoom meetings?