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A Teaching and Learning Experience for Students and Instructors

Canvas at Northwestern

Clear Browser Cache Before Using Gradesync

Due to a recent update of the Gradesync tool, it is recommended that you clear your browser cache and cookies before attempting to use the tool again.

Canvas allows Northwestern instructors and students to deliver course materials, submit assignments and tests, view grades, and create learning activities.



Illustration of Mission: Accessible logo

WebAIM Accessibility Training

April 22-24 | 10:30 a.m. - Noon and 1 - 2:30 p.m. | Online

Hosted by WebAIM, this live, online training session is being offered at no cost to you or your department and will cover accessibility principles and techniques for anyone interested in gaining a deep understanding of web accessibility.

The sessions are tailored for a Northwestern audience and will include such topics as:

  • Evaluating Canvas site and general web accessibility at Northwestern
  • How users with disabilities access and use the web, and more

 Find more details and register.



Get to Zero Accessibility Errors in 45 Minutes

10:00 AM
You’ve heard about the Pope Tech Accessibility Guide in Canvas and you may have seen some of the errors in your course, ...

Fixing the Most Common Canvas Accessibility Errors in Seconds

1:00 PM
Northwestern offers the Pope Tech Accessibility Dashboard and Pope Tech Accessibility Guide to help identify and fix acc...

Make Your Canvas Content Accessible in 7 Simple Steps

10:00 AM
In this session, participants will be introduced to seven core skills for creating accessible digital content. We will d...