Honoring Instructor Excellence in Canvas
Canvas Hall of Fame
The Northwestern Canvas Hall of Fame is an annual award established to honor instructors who go above and beyond to create engaging learning experiences for their students using the Canvas Learning Management System. Each year, winners are announced and awarded during the spring quarter. Nominations for the Hall of Fame come entirely from students in one of three categories:
- Most Innovative Course Site: This award is given to the instructor who best exhibited an innovative approach to the delivery of their course in Canvas. This open category allows students to identify what they find innovative in Canvas.
- Best Use of Video: This award recognizes faculty who use Zoom or Panopto to deliver or supplement lecture content in an engaging and, where possible, interactive way.
- Community and Accessibility: This award honors faculty who have successfully integrated the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility into their Canvas site.
Read on for information on past inductees of the Canvas Hall of Fame.
Most Innovative Course Site
Fundamentals of Computer Programming I
Connor Bain
Assistant Professor of Instruction, McCormick School of Engineering
Computer science is a difficult class to teach, let alone when one is instructing 500+ students. However, Professor Bain's Fundamentals of Computer Programming Canvas site is innovative, accessible, and comprehensive for all students, allowing us to focus on learning and not navigating a website.”
WHAT THE SELECTION COMMITTEE SAID: “This course demonstrates excellent course design and integration of various tools to enhance learning, particularly in the math and coding fields. Numerous nominations highlight the impact of their well-crafted course site. Students praised the organized homepage and well-designed rubrics in assignments, promoting clarity and consistency in learning. Skillfully integrating Canvas with associated tools further enhances the learning experience.”
Best Use of Video
Finance I
Erez Levy
Visiting Associate Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management
Professor Levy goes above and beyond to upload videos on Canvas explaining various finance concepts. He also uses these videos to provide a step-by-step solution to homework assignments. This is extremely helpful, especially for students who are new to finance and for those who miss a class. No one feels left behind by this innovative approach to making course materials available for visual learners, auditory learners, and those who learn best by doing.”
WHAT THE SELECTION COMMITTEE SAID: “The instructor enhanced the student learning experience by using video solutions for problem sets with step-by-step explanations. The videos have been embedded into Canvas and categorized into modules, making the course informative and accessible. The videos created by the professor provided invaluable support to students, especially those who are new to finance. The detailed walkthroughs of practice problems go above and beyond typical instructional methods, demonstrating a commitment to student success.”
Community and Accessibility
Earth - A Habitable Planet
Rosemary Bush
Assistant Professor of Instruction and Weinberg College Adviser, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences
I really loved this course a lot, and I think the Canvas page mirrored some things I loved so well: it’s very organized and easy to follow, and also it allows you to go above and beyond if you’re passionate about the week’s subject.”
WHAT THE SELECTION COMMITTEE SAID: “With an impressive Pope Tech score and completion of the Mission: Accessible challenge, the instructor’s commitment to digital accessibility is commendable. The course incorporates Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, offering multiple means of representation to ensure that content is accessible to all learners.
The instructor’s proactive approach is evident in how they break down weekly tasks and provide clear guidance. By offering class readings primarily in digital formats and including resources in various formats, they cater to differing learning preferences. Utilizing Quizlet as the primary means of quizzing enhances engagement and reinforces learning objectives.”