Sai Kumar Ramadugu has a wealth of experience in facilitating computational research and a strong background in porting various scientific applications onto high-performance computing clusters. Sai has spent over a decade honing his expertise in high-performance computing applications for chemical and biochemical systems, driven by an unwavering passion for pushing the boundaries of scientific research.
During Sai's tenure at the University of Iowa, he made invaluable contributions by supporting interdisciplinary research in subjects from chemical reactivity at quantum scale to essential biological interactions. These efforts paved the way for a potential drug design. Leveraging his expertise in computational analysis, Sai also played a crucial role in supporting a group dedicated to unraveling the genetic underpinnings of hearing impairment and opening new diagnostic and therapeutic avenues within audiology.
As a Research Computing and Data professional, Sai contributed to various communities and events. He served in the PEARC (Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing) Conference Student Program for multiple years to engage students in technology, research, and computing. As a Campus Champion (an initiative to strengthen computing and data skills for researchers), Sai supported faculty, staff and students in formulating successful proposals for national computing resources. Presently, he is excited to help the Northwestern researchers utilize the NSF - ACCESS supercomputing resources effectively.
Sai holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Iowa and an MS in Biochemistry from the University of Hyderabad.