Mar62025Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) Orientation (In Person)10:00 AM EvanstonThe Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) is a part of Northwestern University's high performance computing (HPC) cluster, Ques...
Mar102025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Mar132025Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) Orientation (In Person)10:00 AM EvanstonThe Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) is a part of Northwestern University's high performance computing (HPC) cluster, Ques...
Mar172025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Mar242025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Mar312025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Apr72025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Apr82025Computation and Data Exchange Syumposium (CoDEx)8:00 AM EvanstonRegistration is now open for Northwestern’s second annual Computation and Data Exchange (CoDEx) symposium on Tuesday, Ap...
Apr102025Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) Orientation (In Person)10:00 AM EvanstonThe Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) is a part of Northwestern University's high performance computing (HPC) cluster, Ques...
Apr142025Quest Orientation (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
Apr142025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Apr152025AI for Research: Why and How to Use LLMs in your Research (Chicago)12:00 PM ChicagoLarge Language Models (LLMs), like those powering ChatGPT, are increasingly popular and pervasive. Are you interested in...
Apr162025GCC: Command Line Introduction (Chicago)11:00 AM ChicagoWorking from the command line gives computational biologists access to many analysis tools and enables the creation of r...
Apr172025Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) Orientation (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineThe Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) is a part of Northwestern University's high performance computing (HPC) cluster, Ques...
Apr212025AI for Research: Computer Vision with OpenCV (Chicago)12:00 PM ChicagoOpenCV, short for Open Source Computer Vision Library, is an open-source computer vision and machine learning software l...
Apr212025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Apr232025GCC: STAR RNA-seq Aligner (Chicago)11:00 AM ChicagoRead alignment or mapping is a computational process to determine where in the reference genome the short RNA reads orig...
Apr232025Quest Orientation (Virtual)1:00 PM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
Apr282025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Apr302025GCC: Peak Calling with MACS2 (Chicago)11:00 AM ChicagoPeak calling is a computational method used to identify areas in the genome that have been enriched with aligned reads i...
May52025Quest Orientation (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
May52025Next Steps in Python: Why and How to Test Your Code (Virtual)12:00 PM OnlineWant to make your code more reliable and easier to maintain? Writing tests is a crucial skill for any Python coder. In t...
May52025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
May62025Next Steps in R: Introduction to Text Analysis (Virtual)12:00 PM OnlineThis workshop introduces text processing and analysis using the quanteda package in R. We will learn how to parse and to...
May72025Spring Cleaning—Efficiently Managing Your Research Data Storage (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineThis year, we’re bringing the tradition of spring cleaning to your research data. This session will show you how to do s...
May72025GCC: Scaling Up for High-Throughput Computing (Chicago)11:00 AM ChicagoComputational genomics workflows are most useful when they handle many samples. This workshop will introduce bash variab...
May122025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
May142025Practical Applications—How Northwestern Researchers Use Globus (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineDiscover how Northwestern researchers leverage Globus to streamline their data management workflows. This session will s...
May142025GCC: Virtual Environments for Single-Cell Analysis (Chicago)11:00 AM ChicagoThe number of software packages designed for single-cell RNA-seq analysis has increased dramatically since the advent of...
May142025Quest Orientation (Virtual)1:00 PM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
May152025Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) Orientation (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineThe Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC) is a part of Northwestern University's high performance computing (HPC) cluster, Ques...
May192025Quest Orientation (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
May192025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
May202025GCC: Spatial Transcriptomics with Scanpy (Chicago)11:00 AM ChicagoScanpy (single-cell analysis in Python) is a toolkit for single-cell gene expression data analysis using the programming...
May202025How to Handle Multiple Statistical Comparisons (Virtual)12:00 PM OnlineMultiple comparisons is a common problem in statistics. If you don't deal with it correctly, you can inflate the false p...
May212025Managing Research Data in SharePoint Libraries (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineNot sure how to manage all your research data across multiple collaborators within a SharePoint site? Learn how to organ...
May262025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
May282025Quest Orientation (Virtual)1:00 PM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
Jun22025Quest Orientation (Virtual)10:00 AM OnlineAre you getting started with the Quest high-performance computing (HPC) cluster? This session is strongly recommended fo...
Jun22025Next Steps in Python: Sentiment Analysis of Text Data (Virtual)12:00 PM OnlineDo you want to analyze opinions and uncover insights from text data? Sentiment analysis is a powerful tool that helps yo...
Jun22025Research Computing and Data Drop-in Support3:00 PM EvanstonResearch Computing and Data Services Consultations Drop-in Support: Stop by the Mudd Library GIS Lab on Mondays from 3 t...
Jun32025Next Steps in R: Interactive Plotting with Plotly (Virtual)12:00 PM OnlineIn this workshop, you will learn how to generate interactive plots using plotly. This includes being able to focus on ce...