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Illustration of students and a checklist

Q&A on Collaborative or Two-Stage Exams

December 15, 2020
In this article, hear from a Northwestern faculty member who uses two-stage exams in her online and in-person classes and learn more about this type of assessment and how to execute it in Canvas.


Illustration of a Canvas course

Save Time Submitting Final Grades with GradeSync

November 3, 2020
Where before instructors had to choose each student’s letter grade one by one in CAESAR, GradeSync allows you to submit all of your grades from each Canvas course site directly to CAESAR with the single push of a button.


Illustration of students discussing a paper

Spotlight On: Peer Review

October 12, 2020
Peer review can be a powerful activity that helps your students practice editing skills and creating substantive critique. But how can you avoid lackluster comments and Canvas confusion in a Peer Review activity?


To Teach Synchronously or Asynchronously is Not the Only Question

September 11, 2020
Please permit me to take a somewhat more philosophical approach to the “should I just teach synchronously” question that has been coming up during our move to remote instruction. I’ve been writing a lot of FAQs and short pieces that are bullets of items to check off to prepare for this transition, so it is a luxury to spend a little more time on something substantive.

Student-to-Student Insights on Remote Learning

September 8, 2020
With connections to community and support now more important than ever, Northwestern students are leading the way, guiding fellow students in preparation for a successful academic year. No one understands the challenges students are facing in the transition to remote learning better than students.


Recommendations for Remote Quarter Start Readiness

March 26, 2020
A question likely on your mind is, What should I prioritize for my first week of class? Over the past few weeks, you’ve likely massively revamped your final exams and projects, attended some Zoom or Canvas workshops, packed up essential items from your office, and given your Spring Quarter syllabus a hard stare.


Illustration of students discussing a paper

How Can Technology Help You Give Your Students Great Feedback?

January 3, 2020
Grading and giving feedback to your students is crucial to their learning process. Giving timely, useful feedback can make all the difference for students. Along with all the other demands of teaching and faculty duties, how can you give this important, but not necessarily expeditious, facet of instruction its due?