Students, like instructors, recognize that generative AI (Gen AI) has the potential to radically reshape the educational landscape and their future careers.
Over the last two years, generative AI technologies have spread widely and rapidly, spurring disruption, opportunity, and change in many aspects of daily life.
The Northwestern Canvas Hall of Fame instructor award recognizes educators at the forefront of the integration of technology and innovative practices into Canvas.
Learn how Copilot in Bing can be used as a study tool, helping students do retrieval practice that can significantly improve understanding of complex material.
When using generative AI, how can I make sure data and information is being shared on my terms? Learn the questions you should ask before putting information into generative AI tools.
What generative AI tool is recommended and available to me and my students? Find prompt ideas for new users of generative AI and Northwestern generative AI resources.
The Canvas Accessibility Project (CAP), propelled by the Mission: Accessible challenge, continues to make significant progress toward ensuring all Northwestern digital learning mat...
On June 13, Northwestern Canvas will be updated and enhanced with features to provide a more modern discussions interface and better support for use of the Canvas Student app.
Active learning usually has associations of small groups of students talking and moving around a classroom filled with gleaming tech and slick seating. For most instructors, those types of classrooms are not where they s...
Alternative grading frameworks are gaining momentum among educators looking for innovative ways to assess students' learning beyond traditional grading methods.
The Northwestern Canvas Chatbot debuted in the winter of 2019 and has since helped thousands of students and instructors find quick and helpful answers...
In February 2023, Northwestern IT, in partnership with AccessibleNU and the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, launched the Canvas Accessibility Project,...
What does adding in lecture recordings do to your teaching environment? What’s the point of recording lectures? A closer look at the research behind recording in-person lectures.
Are you looking for new ways to see and find information in your Canvas course gradebook? Canvas’s new enhanced gradebook filter functions might be able to help.
If you’ve ever found it difficult to locate the course you need on your dashboard, consider our suggestions to help you keep your most important courses readily accessible.
In Teaching & Learning Technologies’ most recent Canvas student satisfaction survey conducted in Spring 2022, we included questions about what students prefer to see in faculty usage of Canvas
As your gradebook grows over the course of the quarter, you may find yourself looking for ways to more effectively manage and work within your Canvas gradebook. Read on for ideas on how to search, sort, and set up your C...
As you get ready to build out your Canvas course for winter quarter, you may have content from a previous course that you’d like to import to your new course. Canvas makes this process easy.
Contact Northwestern IT's Media and Technology Innovation group to schedule the Panopto lecture capture system in your assigned room to make a recording and place it into the Panopto folder of your choice.
Many faculty use team projects but are often frustrated by uneven student performance. Northwestern now offers a Teamwork Assessment app (TwA) through Canvas that can help students identify and solve common teamwork prob...
Creating just-in-time videos can be a great way to do a deep dive on a topic that needs further exploration but may not have the class time to otherwise accommodate.
Are you spending more hours managing student requests for office-hour meetings than having actual office hours? Are your students looking to have scheduled time with you rather than playing the “show up and wai...
Panopto, Northwestern’s lecture capture and management tool, has two new features which are available to you now: default captioning and a browser-based capture option.
With final exams just around the corner and many faculty administering assessments in Canvas, we want to make sure your exam administration is secure and successful. The following tips will help you and your students hav...
On Wednesday, February 3rd, eight experienced instructors gathered to share their instructional insights with fellow Northwestern faculty at Northwestern IT Teaching & Learning Technologies’ first TEACH...
The Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor tools can help create a secure testing environment for quizzes and exams given in Canvas. Available to all instructors, these tools have been used in a number of Northwestern co...
Discussion can be a powerful learning activity that helps students synthesize thoughts and make high-level connections. During remote and online classes, discussion boards have become a valuable part of student engagemen...
In this article, hear from a Northwestern faculty member who uses two-stage exams in her online and in-person classes and learn more about this type of assessment and how to execute it in Canvas.
Where before instructors had to choose each student’s letter grade one by one in CAESAR, GradeSync allows you to submit all of your grades from each Canvas course site directly to CAESAR with the single push of...
Peer review can be a powerful activity that helps your students practice editing skills and creating substantive critique. But how can you avoid lackluster comments and Canvas confusion in a Peer Review activity?
Please permit me to take a somewhat more philosophical approach to the “should I just teach synchronously” question that has been coming up during our move to remote instruction. I’ve been w...
With connections to community and support now more important than ever, Northwestern students are leading the way, guiding fellow students in preparation for a successful academic year. No one understands the challenges ...
A question likely on your mind is, What should I prioritize for my first week of class? Over the past few weeks, you’ve likely massively revamped your final exams and projects, attended some Zoom or Canvas work...
Grading and giving feedback to your students is crucial to their learning process. Giving timely, useful feedback can make all the difference for students. Along with all the other demands of teaching and faculty duties,...